Our approach to Digital Lead Generation

The Digital Lead Generation Journey

See below how Digital Leads will ensure your website works for you and not against you.

Discovery Session

We use the discovery session to get to know you, your business, your people, your digital lead experience(s) and your Digital Lead Generation aspirations.

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Once we have completed the discovery session we will carry out our own on-line research looking into your market place, your competition, the search market and your own digital presence.

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Formulate the plan

Once we are satisfied with our own research we will formulate the plan.  Our plan will be designed to address any issues that we found through our own research while ensuring that it is able to meet you own expectations based on the findings from our discovery session.

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Set the targets

A plan is next to useless without measurable and deliverable targets.  We will put together our targets based on your goals.  All our targets will be measurable, such as number of leads, and will form part of our regular review and reporting.

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Implement the plan

Discovery completed, research done, plan written and targets set, it is now time to implement.  We are happy to take full responsibility to implement and manage your custom plan or if you prefer we will hand over to you to manage implementation.  No matter what your preferred method we will continue to monitor and support.

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Review, monitor, amend

No Digital Lead campaign is going to work unless time and effort is put into monitoring its effectiveness and having the knowledge and understanding to be able to amend as required to ensure that the end goals are being achieved.  As part of this process we will use Google Analytics and MOZ to review both the on-page (on website) and off-page (off website) effectiveness.

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Revisit and reset

No campaign should stand still.  Your business will change, your market will change, your competitors will change.  It is crucial that your Digital Lead campaign is regularly reviewed and reset to ensure that you continue to maintain your own competitive advantage and continue to deliver a sustainable pipeline of Leads.

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Get in touch for more information

If you would like to find out more about how Digital Leads can help you with your Digital Lead Generation then why not get in touch with us today?


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